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0455Wise words of Saga Honoka.

We’re almost in the final line of this project, 2 more chapters and we’ll be done with it, fortunately, we’ll be also starting a new project from Hideki-sensei which is all already scanned and just waiting for our team to start.

And it’s not just that, there’s a lot of new things (and not so new) coming for us. We’ll be starting soon Days of Blue (this or the next month).  Now, talking about K project, I got a couple of emails concerned about the status of the extras of Totsuka’s funeral in the special edition of Memory of Red. The thing is, pals, we used magazine raws from our friend amyused in Japan. We have no actual access to that limited edition and the ones that are around the internet were expressly forbidden to redistribute by the owner. We don’t wanna get into trouble nor use scans we were told not to use. One of my friends, Maaya, told me she could help us out scanning her own volume. But hers will arrive her place in probably a month more. You guys can a) wait for Maaya’s scans to arrive us or b) If you already own the volume, you could help us out scanning it for all of us to enjoy.  If you guys bought or know someone who is interested in helping us out in our little predicament, we would be glad to scanlate said special and, obviously, credit the scanner properly!